Stocking Stuffers Under $25!

Click your favorites to shop!


Are you like me and seem to be waiting until the last minute to finish up Christmas shopping?? Normally I am so good with getting my gifts purchased early, but apparently not this year!  Hopefully you have all of yours finished, but if not here are some great ideas for stocking stuffers!  And everything is under $25!!  Any of these would be fabulous gifts, and they won’t break the bank! (Click your favorites to shop!)

I have so many favorites on here, but I especially love this faux fur pom!  How cute is it?  You can clip it on your purse or keep it with your keys!  It would add the perfect accent!

Red fingernail polish is a must-have during the holiday season!  Just painting my nails a festive color puts me in the holiday spirit!   This bright red color is perfect!  And Essie polish is definitely my go-to brand.  My color always stays on for at least 2 weeks and hardly chips at all (unless I get too messy at school!).  I use this gel top coat.  It works wonders!

Do you guys have plans for the weekend?  We will be relaxing and gearing up for the 4 days of school left before Winter Break!  Yes, 4 DAYS!! Can you tell I’m just a little bit excited? 🙂

Have a great weekend, everyone!  Thanks for stopping by!



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